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Considering Chiropractic Treatment and Have Questions?

At Comprehensive Chiropractic our goal is to help you remain healthy and happy. We help your body heal and thrive. Our ultimate goal is to go beyond pain relief to identify and alleviate the underlying cause.

That’s what produces lasting results and long lasting health.

Chiropractor doctor presses on a womans spine, close-up, top view. Osteochondrosis, physiotherapy in the clinic
Chiropractic is safe and effective treatment for many types of neuromusculoskeletal (relating to the nerves, muscles, and joints) and other conditions. It is based on the scientific fact that your body is under the control of your brain and nervous system. When spinal or extremity joints become restricted, or misaligned your nerves become irritated, causing pain and other health problems. Chiropractic involves the science of detecting these abnormal joint restrictions (or subluxations), and restoring proper joint motion & neurologic functioning through manipulation or the adjustment. The cornerstone of chiropractic health treatment is spinal and extremity joint manipulation, often called the “adjustment”.
Several factors are considered when determining your treatment plan, including the results of your examination, when your symptoms began, your daily activities, and your level of stress. Every case is different, but most patients begin to respond favorably within the initial weeks of care. Once pain relief is obtained, many patients choose to continue with periodic visits, to maintain the results they’ve achieved. By emphasizing patient education, you become as self-reliant as possible. How long you decide to continue to benefit from chiropractic care is ultimately up to you.
Government inquiries have affirmed that today’s chiropractic academic training is of equivalent standard to medical training in all preclinical subjects. Chiropractic education includes special emphasis on anatomy, physiology, neurology, orthopedics, pathology, biomechanics, radiology, nutrition, and spinal manipulation. Four years of postgraduate study and completion of an internship are required, followed by National and State Board examinations, before entering practice. Continuing postdoctoral education is also required to maintain current licensure and keep abreast of the current scientific literature.

The cornerstone of chiropractic health treatment is spinal and extremity joint manipulation, often called the “adjustment”. This may involve either gentle pressure, or a quick, precise thrust to restore normal motion and alignment to joints that have become misaligned, stiff, restricted, or “locked up.”

Although most patients receive traditional manual (“hands-on”) adjustments, we also offer “low force” adjustments, preformed with a highly advanced instrument. Some patients are familiar with these instrument adjustment techniques, which are often referred to as “activator”, or “impulse adjusting”.

These low-force adjustments are extremely gentle and precise, and are not associated with any “cracking” or “popping” sounds. Dr.Wallace is happy to discuss with you which adjusting techniques would be best for your particular condition.

There are many types of muscular pain. Sometimes muscular pain is the direct result of injury to the muscle, as in the case of a muscle pull, tear, or rupture. Other times, the muscular attachment to the bone (called the “tendon”) becomes strained in a specific injury, or as the result of repetitive strain.

Examples of repetitive strain to the muscle or tendon include prolonged and/or poor sitting postures, repetitive motions, and improper lifting. Most people don’t realize that by the time they actually feel muscular pain, the surrounding joints and nerves have also become affected. This is why chiropractic care is so effective in treating muscular pain: because it is comprehensive care that addresses not only the muscles, but also the joints and their related spinal nerves.

The following treatments may be recommended to decrease your pain and speed healing: spinal manipulation (adjustment), acupuncture, physical therapy techniques (therapeutic exercises, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, cold laser therapy). Massage therapy and myofascial release techniques may also be used in conjunction with these other therapies in order to get the best results. If your condition requires medical attention, an appropriate referral would be made promptly.

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